Imagine a world where your photo editing software knows your exact preferences right down to how you like your images cropped. Neurapix has made this a reality with their revolutionary update to their Lightroom plugin, introducing individualized AI image cropping.

This is a significant leap from the previous model, which relied on generic patterns derived from millions of example crops. With the new update, Neurapix allows users to train the AI with their own cropped images. Once a user uploads 500 of their own crops per image orientation (landscape or portrait), the personalized cropping feature is activated, and they receive an email notification.

At first, this individualized cropping may only be available for one image orientation, such as landscape. As soon as another 500 example images for portrait orientation are uploaded, the feature extends to portrait photos as well. The process of applying these custom crops remains straightforward: photographers can simply check the ‘Crop and rotate images’ box during editing with Neurapix, and their personalized crop will replace the generic one.

Nils Sauder, Neurapix co-founder and CEO, expressed his excitement about this innovation: ‘We are proud to be the first company worldwide to offer individualized image cropping, as it provides a crucial advantage: it adapts to the specific preferences of photographers – after all, cropping is part of the individual editing style and a very creative and personal process.’

Importantly, this improved feature does not come with a price hike. Optional features like image cropping remain available at no extra cost within the Neurapix Flat rate. In the ‘Pay-per-Picture’ model, optional features cost just 1 cent per photo, regardless of how many are selected.

Neurapix’s introduction of individualized AI image cropping is a game-changer for photographers looking to maintain their unique editing style effortlessly. As the first company to offer this level of personalization, Neurapix sets a new standard in the photo editing industry.

By Peter Browne

Peter Browne is an extraordinary photographer journalist whose lens captures the essence of life's most significant moments. With a profound passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, Peter has mastered the art of blending photography and journalism, creating powerful visual narratives that leave a lasting impact on viewers.