It’s time to reveal the latest winner for our popular daily photography theme from the forums. A big shoutout to kenwil for snapping up the win on Day 11 with his stunning silhouette shot titled ‘Saltburn Surfer.’

Missed out this time? No worries, just keep those entries coming in the daily competition forum for another shot at winning. If you’re new around here, you can find all the details about how to join in on the fun in the Daily Theme Q&A.

Now, let’s give a round of applause to our fantastic runners-up for the week. Their creative energies brought life to various themes. On Day 8, CarltonR captured the essence of Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter with an intriguing ‘Old vs New’ theme. Day 9 saw mrswoolybill’s ‘Memories 2’ impress with rust close-ups. Sandwedge had us all dreaming of ‘Sunny Days’ on Day 10. MalcolmM’s ‘Triangles’ took the spotlight on Day 12 with a clever take on diagonal lines. NeilSchofield amazed us with a ‘Short Eared Owl with Prey’ on Day 13’s Birds Of Prey theme, and Jasper87 wrapped up the week with a mesmerizing fountain shot on Day 14.

Daily Themes and other exciting photo competitions are waiting for you in our Forum. It’s a space open to photographers of all skill levels. Enter, engage, and maybe you’ll be next week’s winner. Share the love by uploading your images to our Gallery.

Keep your shutters clicking and your creativity flowing! Congrats to all participants for their incredible work this week. Who knows, next week it might be your photo taking the spotlight.

By Peter Browne

Peter Browne is an extraordinary photographer journalist whose lens captures the essence of life's most significant moments. With a profound passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, Peter has mastered the art of blending photography and journalism, creating powerful visual narratives that leave a lasting impact on viewers.